Tom Varga, MD, accepts Cannabis Start-up Business of the Year award on behalf of the Biotic Team.

Biortica Agrimed Recognised At Annual Awards

Biortica Agrimed, Australia’s largest B2B grower of medicinal cannabis has been recognised as START UP COMPANY of the YEAR, recognizing its stellar growth, and focus on professional horticulture, in the medicinal cannabis industry.

“I’m just speechless,” said CEO Tom Varga, “The field of finalists was of such high standard, it just affirms how far our industry has come. I’m proud for Biortica. I’m proud for and of our Team. I’m proud of our whole industry”

“This is an award for everyone involved in Biortica Agrimed.”

“You can’t beat that Aussie Team Spirit “ he said.

Judged by an independent panel of 36 judges, each an industry peer, the Cannabiz Annual Awards are the largest industry awards event in the region. The 2023 inaugural dinner and awards ceremony was a sell-out success.

“We see a bright future for a new emerging Australian industry,” Varga said, “professionally growing high quality, natural medicines to assist patients here and globally.”